Pain in a tooth or the underlying gums can certainly be disconcerting. While topical and ingestible analgesics might help dull the pain, they might only be masking symptoms of a more serious problem. Seeking treatment at Dr. Truong Nguyen‘s dental office in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania can help prevent the problem from escalating into something more serious.
Many times, a painful or highly sensitive tooth is a sign of tooth decay affecting the nerve of the tooth. In some of these cases, an infection also forms in the gums. If a dangerous infection has developed in the gums, you might feel a dull ache, pain, or pressure in the neighboring gums.
Many toothaches related to untreated tooth decay call for your dentist to perform a root canal. This mode of treatment will remove all decayed material from the tooth, and prepare sufficient structure to mount a crown.
In the case of a severe infection or abscess in the gums, Dr. Truong Nguyen might recommend extracting the tooth and excising the infected material from your gums. After any infection concerns have passed, he can restore the tooth’s presence in your mouth with a bridge or dental implant.
If you are suffering from a toothache or untreated cavity, call 484.392.7687 to seek timely treatment. Dr. Truong Nguyen’s dental office in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, will be happy to serve you and give you a bright and comfortable smile.