An Oral Cancer Screening is an Important Element of Your Regular Dental Checkup

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Maintaining good oral health in the long term incorporates several different yet equally important factors. To that end, the American Dental Association recommends attending a regular dental checkup and cleaning every six months. Each checkup performed by Dr. Truong Nguyen is designed to examine and address all pertinent issues of maintaining a healthy mouth.

While this starts with a dental cleaning and examination, it also includes a screening for signs of oral or pharyngeal cancer. Early detection of these serious oral health maladies significantly improves your chances of treatment success.

It’s estimated by the American Dental Association that one in 92 adults are diagnosed with some form of oral or pharyngeal cancer each year. While it’s more common in people in their 60’s, increased risk factors, such as tobacco use and excessive alcohol intake, increase your chances of developing oral cancer at a younger age. A family history of oral and pharyngeal can also be a significant factor for early onset.

Dr. Truong Nguyen performs the cancer screening at the end of your routine dental checkup. This involves an examination of your tongue, throat, face, and neck for any swelling or abnormal discoloration. Be sure to let Dr. Truong Nguyen know about any increased risk factors you have for oral cancer.

If Dr. Truong Nguyen notices anything suspect, he will refer you to a specialist for further diagnosis and treatment.

If you live in the Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, area and you have concerns about oral or pharyngeal cancer, you should call 484.392.7687 to schedule a checkup and screening at Always Dental Care.