7 Simple Tips to Help You Brush Your Teeth

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As the holiday season approaches, it’s important not to slack on your oral health care. Brushing your teeth can easily be forgotten, and even if you do brush your teeth, it’s important to use the proper technique to make it effective. If you do not brush every part of your teeth and gums, you could miss food particles that can linger and do irreparable damage.

Listed below are seven simple tips to help you brush your teeth:

– Look for toothbrushes and toothpaste that are dentist-recommended with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

– Chewy candies and hard candies can be extremely difficult to brush away. If possible, avoid them, or give extra care to brushing your teeth after consumption.

– Make sure to brush your teeth for 2 minutes, at least twice daily.

– Use toothbrushes with softer bristles, as harder bristles can damage your gums. Also, be sure not to press too hard. The goal is to clean the teeth, not strip them of their enamel.

– Visit your dentist every six months or as directed for an oral exam with Dr. Truong Nguyen, or a professional cleaning.

– Many holiday delights can leave residue behind in hard to reach places, so be sure to brush thoroughly on all sides and surfaces of each tooth.

– Keep your toothbrushes clean and properly stored when not in use.

With the proper oral health care holiday hygiene, you can make your mouth dazzle this holiday season. For more information about brushing your teeth, or to schedule an appointment at Always Dental Care in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, please call us at 484.392.7687 to speak with a merry member of our team. We will do our best to help you in any way we can.